Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry, Merry Christmastime

Merry Christmas!

Since school wound down for the semester, we have been prepping for our First Christmas as Mr & Mrs. Here's what we've been up to...

We put up our tree, figured out how to work the fireplace, and planned a Christmas party with our other newlywed friends (the longest married couple was only a year and a half, and the freshest was two and a half months).
We mingled, had dinner....then faced off on couple-teams for a Gingerbread house decorating showdown. Far from the usual "candy cottages" our Gingerbread houses were things like The Titanic, a Time Machine, an airplane, etc. (we chose subjects out of a hat to which we had each contributed ideas). Unfortunately for the rest of us, one of the couples happened to both hold degrees in fine art....they won with a very convincing airplane, while the rest of us struggled to hold our respective structures together with the icing-glue.
The picture does not even begin to do it justice. 

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we also brought order to the study:

This is where I am now blogging. It used to be a horrid blue color (our first painting attempt) but we fixed it with a neutral tone. Added armchairs, stained the end-table, built and stained the large bookcase.... It is becoming a functional study room.
The lighting is a bit off in these photos-- they were taken in the evening, just after we finished putting the room together.

f course, there was shopping and decorating to do...

    We went to the outlet mall- craziness there so many people. Dang last minute shoppers... (like us!)

But we scored a gift for his sister, and his mom, and I snapped this handsome photo while he was distracted. He is so cute. He also discourages me from constantly taking his photo, but with that face it is hard not to.

To my everlasting delight, we took a break at Starbucks, which, despite their overpriced drinks, is one of my favorite hang-outs. He doesn't much care for coffee shops, but settled for a large hot chocolate. Brace yourself for this: he would not share, not even a sip. I had to content myself with my own Skinny Latte. Which was not nearly as delicious, undoubtedly due to significantly less sugar. It was a nice break from the business, but did not last long.

*Friends, this man spoils me.*

After Starbucks, he took me to the pet shop where we played with this cutie:

Look at those eyes! A fluffy husky 
she was and I was in love. 

No, we did not buy her (I don't approve of pet store puppies anyway), but it was fun to play with her and what is more Christmasy then a husky puppy? Nothing, that's what. 

     Last Friday, I went to see a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet with a girl friend. It was a charming experience and I gave in to the pressure to buy a little nutcracker for our Christmas tree.

Christmas party at his work. We didn't
 notice the photo was fuzzy until we got home.
Oh well, it's a holiday memory nonetheless. 

I will conclude now and, in the spirit of the season wish 
Peace on earth, good will towards men, and may God bless us, every one.

And if you have not, you simply must read 
Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol