Sunday, July 15, 2012

Home Decor Like a Boss

I am a self-declared Pinterest addict. Lately, my pins have been honed into Home Decor. I have an ever-growing list of things I want to do in my house, from kitchen organization and paint color, to library shelves and cozy reading nooks. I can't wait to have a yard to garden and a place to really "make my own".
All that said, I am bit by bit making this apartment home. I need more pictures on the walls and I have yet to hang curtains (I've decided to make them, but more on that later), but the furniture is settling into a design I like and I am getting a familiar, comfortable feeling ever time I walk in the front door. I do really like it here. I love the ducks, the roominess of the apartment, the "pet friendliness", the chatty neighbors, and the convenience of shop locations... however, I AM SO EXCITED TO BUY A HOUSE ONE DAY! We won't anytime soon, because of moving so much with the military, but I can't wait to remodel, paint, and decorate. Until then, I will practice on this apartment (except not the remodeling part).
In other news, had another great weekend with the husband. We woke up early Saturday to hunt for antiques at garage and estates sales.  But bummer: it rained. Only one of our stops was actually operational. I guess everyone else decided to wait until a sunnier weekend. So we bought donuts. And I fabric hunted at five different stores (still no luck finding the material I need). Then, we napped. All afternoon. It was glorious. Do you see why we can't have children anytime soon??
Every weekend is fun when you
marry your best friend. ;)
Today was equally pleasant: taught Sunday School (we brought Krispy Kreme donut holes. We are fantastic teachers...or perhaps bribers.), went out to lunch at a cafe type place and spent the better part of the afternoon there studying, then went home to bake some cookies for the church family dinner tonight (which was great fun- met some new people and generally enjoyed ourselves). Home again for an evening hanging out together, studying off-and-on, chatting, laughing. Mmm, relaxing weekend.

Whew, life is busy. Life is exciting. LIFE IS GOOD. Ready for Monday?


  1. haha, my pinterest boards sound like yours--I can't stop pinning home decor/diy projects!! My husband and i LOVE scavenging garage sales and estate sales for treasures too :)

    1. Haha, sad thing is I can't recall a single one of those projects that I actually got around to doing! The curtains I will do...maybe..but soon. ;)
      Estate/garage sales are fantastic, are they not? :)

      Thanks for visiting!
