There are several hot things in my life (like my husband and the weather here), but this post is about two in particular- one nice, and one not. The first is hot tea (this is nice one), and the second is reoccurring, high temperature fevers. These past few days have been filled with both. On Monday, the husband wasn't feeling so hot (pun
intended), and, over the course of the night, developed a very painful migraine. Ibuprofen and lots of Chamomile tea (which treated his chills and was just plain yummy)
took care of it and we thought that was the end. Boy were we wrong. Tuesday night, the body/headaches returned, along with even worse chills and extreme coldness (despite the July heat and five blankets). So I did what any reasonable wife would do. I called his mom. She actually has her Master's degree in nursing, plus 20+ years of nursing experience, so this was a valid move. While still on the phone, I headed to the store for her prescribed list of medicine. By the end of the call, I was armed with Extra Strength Tylenol, Vitamin C, and an oral thermometer...and she was convinced he had leukemia. Well friends, he probably doesn't have cancer, but he was suffering from a 102.6 degree fever.
After a rough couple of hours-- in which I convinced him to turn the AC back on, take off his fleece sweater, crawl out from under a heavy quilt, and drink some water-- the Tylenol had brought his fever down to 101.3 and he was able to squeeze in some studying before bed.
This morning he was up at
5:50 a.m. to run a 5K.
My man is such a trooper.
I saw him at 8 when he came home to shower after his run. He seemed fully recovered, but I packed him some Tylenol and Vitamin C pills, just in case. Hopefully, we are through with whatever this (virus?) was- and we made it! Thanks to hot Chamomile tea (and modern pills), my hot hubby is now just hot by human standards, and not by the thermometer's. ;)
Personally, I like him best that way...speaking of tea though, I think I'll make myself another mug.
Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Did anyone else think "Happy Winds-day, Piglet!" from Winnie the Pooh?
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