Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

We're talking more and more about being a career Air Force family-- that is, with the husband staying in 20+ years. He is young enough that he could retire Air Force and still have a career in education or politics or law later on. This idea of staying in the military for the long haul means a few things.

     1) I should take great care when choosing a career and make sure it is something that can travel- a "portable career", ha!ha! the idea! But, seriously, I need a marketable, useful, and somewhat popular degree and career field. Something that is needed everywhere, yet is not being satisfied everywhere. Currently, my degree is heading in the direction of Marketing/Finance with a minor degree in English. Not terribly exciting, but useful perhaps. My first job needs to be that of a willing wife with a "whither thou goest I go" attitude.
     2) We should learn Italian. I have taken beginner's classes in Russian (Kak dela?), ASL, and Spanish (Como esta?), so Italian would be the fourth language I have studied. And, no, I am not fluent in any of those- though I can communicate pretty well in ASL. I know I sound like I just can't see any of them through to fluency, but listen to my reasoning- or justification, whichever you prefer to call it: if we know Italian, our chances of being stationed in Italy go up by a significant margin. Italian is a lovely language and, even if we don't get stationed there, we have been planning our "honeymoon" for next summer-- a month long trip to southern Italy. It is still in the dreaming/maybe stage, but if everything goes according to plan (and I find a job!) we should be able to swing it. Bottom line: Italian would be useful. Very useful. He would have to have military Level 2 fluency to be considered, which is near-native speaker- ie, very hard to achieve, but the way I see it, if someone offered you the chance to spend three years living in Italy, would you learn Italian?
                         I thought so.
     3) I must resign myself to the idea of deployments. I hate this one.
For now though, I will simply enjoy today- which happens to be a slightly drizzly and overcast Sunday- sitting at a cafe with my Lt, sipping coffee and blogging while he studies for his master's degree (Go babe!).

                          Happy Weekend!

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