Monday, July 9, 2012


I've always considered motherhood a noble job, but after last night my respect for mothers has increased dramatically! My brother-in-law is going out of town for the week, leaving his wife home with their four small children (the oldest is three and a half). I agreed to watch the kids from Sunday to Monday, so the couple could have an overnight date at a hotel before his trip.
    I had no idea what I was getting into.
The youngest is 6 weeks old. She sleeps on her tummy. I did not know this, which explains why she would not stay asleep any time I put her down (which was always on her back). The short version of my night is this: I did not sleep. Oh I dozed, certainly. Nearly dropped the kid once (don't tell her mom), but mostly just cuddled, fed, rocked, and changed her...all. night. long. A particularly low point of the night was at 2:30 a.m. Let me set the stage:
    I had been awake, pacing, for the past 45 minutes, trying to get little Evie to fall asleep. She had just closed her eyes when I hear crying from the boys room. It is James, the oldest (3 1/2), in the top bunk. I rub his back with my free hand, still holding Evie with the other and somehow balancing on the second rung of the ladder so I can reach the top bunk. I coo to James, "Go to sleep, honey, it was just a bad dream..." Of course, he does no such thing. Instead, he sits up...and pukes. Lovely. I took him downstairs for some water, and, after ten minutes, a mid-night call to my mother in Texas (who confirmed my belief that he could go back to bed seeing as how there was no more puke and he was cheerful), James was back in bed with a fresh blanket. Then the two year old on the bottom bunk needs to go potty...then they both need to go potty... then Evie wakes back up.
   And so my night continues. 
James helping give Evie her bottle. He lasted
about 1/2 a bottle. I was impressed actually.
   The day starts at 6:30. I'm still holding Evie, but give up on trying to go back to sleep. Ironically, she finally lets me put her down- and stays asleep!- ten minutes before the three boys get up. Not long enough for me to nap, but just enough time to finally use the bathroom, change clothes, and throw my hair up. No shower this morning.
   The rest of the morning becomes a juggling circus act the various needs and screams of a 3, 2, and 1 year old, and a six week old who mercifully sleeps nearly three hours (Geez kid, you couldn't have done that last night?)
   When their mother gets home at noon, the kids are fed and ready for their naptime. I leave them in her capable hands, say a quick prayer thanking God that I am childless, and drive home to my quiet, quiet apartment where sleeping is actually an option.
     While I could still use a dog, I will be content to wait many, many years to add children to my family. Whenever I feel Baby Fever coming on, I will march myself over to my brother-in-law's and volunteer to babysit.
     Now, don't get me wrong, these kids are great as far as toddlers go, and I love 'em to death, I am just very, very thankful that I can sleep through the night, and sleep in on weekends.

 Mothers, you are all superheros in my book.

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