Friday, June 29, 2012

Cartoons and FruitLoops

I am staying at my brother-in-law's house watching his young kids while he and his wife are at the hospital with their youngest. One-month old Evie has an unexplained fever. We think it may be the cold that her brothers have, but the doctors are taking precautions.
This morning my 2 year old nephew woke me up before 7. We had FruitLoops and are watching a Peter Pan cartoon. Oh to be a kid again! I forgot how much fun Saturdays were. Granted, today is Friday, but every morning gets cartoons when I babysit. ;)
Now the whole crew is up. James, who is the oldest at almost four, didn't stop talking from the moment he came downstairs. Luke, who is 17 months old, is quiet, but cheerful. Good news: none of them have fevers!

Yesterday (aka Move-In Day #1) was EXHAUSTING, but this morning is a nice change. Babysitting boys is exhausting too, but in a fun way-- especially when it means hanging out with my little nephews!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Puppy Plans

Emily and her pal (the family's other dog), Koda.
My husband and I came up with a savings goal to help get rid of my student debt. When our savings account reaches that amount, we can get a dog. (happy face!) I have a dog back home with my parents. Her name is Emily, a three year old Sheltie mix.

However, she is happy there and I'm not sure if I want to uproot her from the only house and yard she has ever known- where someone (I have little sisters) is home every day, to an apartment with two working adults.

Golden Beach Love

So. Other considerations are being considered. Perhaps a new puppy? I am terribly fond of Golden Retrievers, but they are so big! Ideally our dog would be 25lbs or so, mid to small sized. But I love the Golden temperament, its love of water (I live near the beach), and its family-friendliness. Also I am biased because I grew up with a Golden Retriever named Whiskey (long story).  
Or perhaps a mini Goldendoodle: like a Golden, but smaller and less shedding. ;) The only trouble is my hubby isn't a fan of poodles... or anything with "oodle" or "doodle" in the name.

Mini Goldendoodle- PRECIOUS

But would you look at that face? MELT MY HEART! My gosh, it's love.

   I also found the "Cavapoo" (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle) has similar looks and a smaller size. Plus, they like water!
I'd be sold on either.

    So that is my puppy ramblings. I am driving my husband crazy with my research; he didn't know how involved I would get when I discovered we may reach our savings goal THIS SUMMER. I am a tad excited.

(Boating too?! Cavapoos for the win!)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just a Note

Only because I am at a cafe with WiFi am I posting a second time today. I am researching the idea of housesitting for someone when my husband and I travel to Italy next summer instead of staying in a hotel. Experience local Italy, you know? Anyway, this article talked about several ways to stay in cities virtually for free (at least as far as hotel costs would be concerned). I'm turning off my laptop for sake of headache, but I want to pin this link here to further explore later: "How to Get Free Accommodations". Neat idea, housesitting.

Spring Cleaning in June

I was reading on The Internet last night about living a minimalist lifestyle (also eating whole foods- i.e. plant based diet, but that's another post entirely). Inspired, I dove into my closet- quite literally- and threw out a bag full of clothes that have too much wear-and-tear to be useful. In addition, I loaded a large laundry basket with clothes to sell at the local consignment shop (if I can find one; I'm new in town, remember?). It is refreshing to say the least. Next Thursday we are moving into a slightly bigger apartment and ORGANIZATION is going to be my motto. I sketched out a redesigned office space plan and am midway through a closet organizational plan for things like scarves, shoes, and purses. I am way too sentimental for my own good, but when the mood strikes I discovered I can be ruthless with my trash bag.
Here's to order and a newly adopted less-is-more mantra.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Finding Your Vocation

I read a great article tonight by NY Times columnist David Brooks called "It's Not About You". The article talks about American college students and their expectations when it comes to finding a job and fulfillment in that job. Brooks says,
"Today’s graduates are also told to find their passion and then pursue their dreams. The implication is that they should find themselves first and then go off and live their quest. But, of course, very few people at age 22 or 24 can take an inward journey and come out having discovered a developed self." 
I find myself convicted. Here I've been looking for a job that will turn into a great career, make me successful, prosperous, and happy. I have been stressing and obsessing trying to find that perfect position only to find there is no such thing. I was right when I compared jobs to a non-existent unicorn in my earlier post. Could it be that I am going about this all the wrong way? I have been doing some serious heart searching trying to find out exactly what kind of job will make me happy for the next 30 years, but I was confronted with reality today in the form of Brooks' article. I've been trying to find out exactly who I am and who I want to be so that I could mold a career off of myself, when actually it is the other way around. To steal Brooks' phrase, " Most people don’t form a self and then lead a life. They are called by a problem, and the self is constructed gradually by their calling." 
This doesn't mean I suddenly have all the answers- I still am unemployed- but I have a new perspective. I don't have a world problem to solve; I don't know my calling. But here is what I do know: I know I don't want to sit at home while my husband goes off to work. I know I like people and interacting with people. I like business environments. I like puppies. I like wearing high heels. I need money for a puppy and shoes. I want a job with friendly people. And if you shlug (a word I just made up meaning to wade and swim through something thick) through all that you discover the bottom line. 
                I do not need a perfect job. Perfect jobs do not existI need to get A job- any job- and EXCEL at it. I feel like I am quoting a lot of Brooks' article, but it is just so good, so I can justify one last quote (with my added emphasis), and with it I will end this post:
       "The graduates are also told to pursue happiness and joy. But, of course, when you read a biography of someone you admire, it’s rarely the things that made them happy that compel your admiration. It’s the things they did to court unhappiness — the things they did that were arduous and miserable, which sometimes cost them friends and aroused hatred. It’s excellence, not happiness, that we admire most."

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thoughts on Moving

There is something exciting and yet altogether discouraging about moving. The adventurous folks like the thrill of travel; the flights, the new sights, sounds, and people, finding a new home, settling in etc... As an ex-Army brat and daughter of a military defense contractor, I have had my share of moves and, believe me, they can be loads of fun; however, being a military SPOUSE changes things. My family has shrunk from five siblings, two parents, and various pets, to two people. My husband and me (and a Betta fish). A move for him means new job, yes, but he doesn't have to find one- the military gives him one. I am realizing that a move for a military spouse means reinventing our identity. New friends, new house, possibly new career (depending on the job market). These are just ramblings, but I log off now to go to the gym: new apartment, new town, so why not a new body? ;)

Job Hunt

Friday: Day II of the Job Hunt
  Days like today make jobs feel like unicorns. I love the Air Force and, though I am only newly married into it, I love being a military wife. However, it does have its drawbacks. For example: while I like traveling and moving to new places, uprooting and finding a new job is hard work! Especially for a not-quite-graduated college student. A year and a half until my degree is finished, but even that is no guarantee for a job. Public Affairs is where I want to be; news briefs, press releases, knowing the who, what, and where of the base; doesn't it sound fun? My new friend (an older middle aged woman) in the P.A. department here seems to think it isn't all that great, but I am still in the excited newbie stage. I use USA Jobs to find federal job opening, but the process is slow. Really slow. If I had more direction I think I would fight harder, but the truth is I m still not entirely certain what I want to be When I Grow Up. For now, I hunt. I find the jobs that will get me somewhere and hopefully I will like it once I am there. Public Affairs, here I come. Just call me the Job Huntress.