Friday, June 15, 2012

Thoughts on Moving

There is something exciting and yet altogether discouraging about moving. The adventurous folks like the thrill of travel; the flights, the new sights, sounds, and people, finding a new home, settling in etc... As an ex-Army brat and daughter of a military defense contractor, I have had my share of moves and, believe me, they can be loads of fun; however, being a military SPOUSE changes things. My family has shrunk from five siblings, two parents, and various pets, to two people. My husband and me (and a Betta fish). A move for him means new job, yes, but he doesn't have to find one- the military gives him one. I am realizing that a move for a military spouse means reinventing our identity. New friends, new house, possibly new career (depending on the job market). These are just ramblings, but I log off now to go to the gym: new apartment, new town, so why not a new body? ;)

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